The Maryland Assistive Technology Guide

The Maryland Assistive Technology Guide is available for all educators and family members. Developed by the Maryland State Assistive Technology Steering Committee in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services, it provides guidance on the comprehensive integration of assistive technology (AT) into specially designed instruction (SDI) within an integrated tiered system of supports.
The guide includes strategies, considerations, and samples of integrated AT through the processes of collaborative SDI development, implementation and evaluation. Guidance is presented to support the critical thinking Individualized Education Program (IEP) and instructional teams will experience when co-developing, co-implementing, and co-evaluating the use of AT solutions within the context of uniquely developed SDI.
The guide supports the careful consideration of AT throughout the IEP process; the identification of appropriate AT devices and/or services that match the unique academic and functional needs of students; and the consistent, ongoing evaluation needed to determine the effectiveness of AT across all academic and non-academic settings.