State and Local Partnerships
Maryland’s 24 Local School Systems and Local Infants and Toddlers programs and 5 public agencies provide critical Early Intervention and Special Education services to more than 130,000 children and youth and their families. The Maryland State Department of Education’s Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services works closely with each local system and public agency to elevate performance and improve outcomes.
In addition to general supervision and the management of Federal funding that flows to local systems, the Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services provides technical assistance to each school system, program, and agency. Each local program also receives discretionary grant funding to continuously enhance its system, focused on each of the three strategic imperatives: early childhood, secondary transition, and access, equity, and progress.
The local school systems, LITPs, and public agencies provide input to the Division about local needs, challenges, and promising practices through ongoing interaction with their regionally assigned Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services liaisons and regular meetings between Directors and the Assistant State Superintendent. Together, we are building a Statewide system to narrow the gap and create college, career, and community readiness for each child with a disability in Maryland.