MSDE’s Vision for the Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio

As part of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Division of Early Intervention and Special Education’s, renewed five-year strategic plan of Moving Maryland Forward, the goal of narrowing gaps for students with IEPs remain a top priority. Secondary Transition is the focus of one of three action imperatives identified in the strategic plan with five key strategies to improve results for youth with disabilities and their families: Strategic Collaboration, Family Partnerships, Evidence-Based Practices, Data-Informed Decisions, and Professional Learning. Seamless transition programs and services, aligned with evidence-based practices, continue to be put into practice across the state to increase the number of youth with disabilities who are actively engaged in postsecondary activities such as continuing education, technical and career training, and employment after exiting school. The Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio is one of the implementation strategies that effectively allow students to create, own, and share a digital, strengths-based portfolio that promotes their individual plan toward college, career, and community readiness.
How is the Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio linked to Secondary Transition Planning?
The aim of transition planning is to prepare students with disabilities to succeed in various college, career, and community settings. Using the Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio, students document their transition experience aligned with their instructional and transition goals and activities outlined in their IEP. In fact, the digital portfolio provides students with an organized way to show their work and experiences through the completion of tasks that spotlight various transition activities.
Similar to a traditional IEP team, students utilizing the digital portfolio have the benefit of a collaborative and supportive digital portfolio team. A typical team includes a portfolio manager, reviewers, family members and other supportive people in a student’s life. The final member of the team and most important is the student who is the CEO.