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Other Resources for Families of Children who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing

Young girl and boy writing on a screen
  • Families of children who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing are eligible to enroll in one course teaching the language or communication method they want to use with their child at a Maryland public college or university.  Contact your local community college, four-year college, or university to find and enroll in appropriate courses.
  • The Described and Captioned Media Program – Federally funded streaming library of closed-caption educational videos on a wide variety of topics.  Includes videos that teach ASL and Cued Speech. Families of D/HoH children are eligible for free membership.

Parent Support and Advocacy Organizations 

The Division of Early Intervention/Special Education Services is committed to supporting families to make informed choices for their children.  Inclusion of resources in the Maryland Hearing Aid and Language and Communication Loan Bank and in this listing does not reflect an endorsement or recommendation of any particular option, resource, or organization for any individual child or family.  

Parent Support and Advocacy Organizations

  • Alexander Graham Bell Association
  • American Society for Deaf Children
  • Hands and Voices
  •  National Cued Speech Association

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