Comprehensive Assessments

A Comprehensive Transition assessment combines criterion referenced, norm referenced, and behavioral evaluation techniques to assess learning and developmental strengths and challenges and to identify vocational interests. It creates a comprehensive profile of the student’s strengths, preferences, interests and abilities that allow for deeper understanding of career exploration and postsecondary preparation for employment, education and independent living.
We encourage you to use these assessments as well as transition assessments from other sources to gather and organize information about your students in order to prepare them for a seamless transition from school to adult life.
The Enderle-Stevenson Transition Rating Scale
The Enderle-Stevenson Transition Rating Scale provides scores in five different areas (Employment, Recreation and Leisure, Home Living, Community Participation, and Post-secondary Education. It is completed by the teacher with input from the parent (and student). There are 3 different versions of the ESTR to address the needs of students with mild disabilities, moderate cognitive disabilities, and severe and multiple disabilities. Available in Spanish.
Age Band: Any Age. Mild, moderate, and severe disabilities.ESTR-J designed for mild disabilities of any age. ESTR-III designed for moderate to severe and multiple disability groups of any age.
Reading level: 8th grade reading level.
Cost: Current price is $20 per package of 10. $25 for administration manual.
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI)
Author: Clark, G. M., & Patton, J. R
The purpose of the TPI is to identify student readiness to transition to the post-secondary setting. This assessment helps educators address students’ transition needs, including their preferences, interests, and strengths. Students, parents, and educators complete forms based on the student’s abilities and experiences. The TPI-3 now includes online access to additional resources that are useful for transition planning. The resources are: optional scripts for administering the TPI-3; additional case studies; a reference guide for linking TPI-3 items to services in the community; selected translations of the Home Core Rating Form, item descriptions for the Home Core Rating Form, and item descriptions for the Home Interests and Preferences Form. Company stated the TPI is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean.
Age Band: 14-22. All disabilities
Testing Time: 15 to 30 minutes
Cost: $363 for the Complete TPI-3 Kit
Conover Online Transition Assessments
Author: The Conover Company
The Conover Online MECA System is an age-appropriate transition, career exploration, career assessment and vocational assessment system related to training, education and employment. It is comprised of four unique parts, tied together by a comprehensive management system: Interest Indicator; Work Samples; Learning Assessment Programs; and Career Planners. The Work Samples are hands-on simulations of an actual part of a job. The Career Exploration and Assessment includes work samples that provide opportunities to try out jobs in a non-threatening way. Each career kit contains all of the tools, supplies and hardware needed to perform all activities. Each career area contains three Work Samples.The management system allows for a seamless program integration from interest testing to the assigning, delivery, benchmarking, tracking, and creating a transition IEP. Conover Online’s cloud-based delivery system requires no installs, runs on any computer or mobile device, can track user data by single user, group or state wide, 24/7, and is specifically designed for mild, moderate, and significant disabilities.
Age Band: :Middle and high school students. 4th grade reading level; audio option for individuals with limited reading skills.Still images with text for deaf/hearing impaired
Cost: $55 per credit assigned. Credits do not expire.
Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) – Author: The University of Oklahoma
Reading level: Multiple Versions and Reading Levels. Reading grade levels for the TAGG versions are TAGG-S 4.8; TAGG-F 5.7; and TAGG-P 10.4.
TAGG is an online transition assessment with validity and reliability evidence. The TAGG assesses postsecondary employment and education skills. This 34-item rating scale is used to identify strengths, abilities, and goals for students with mild to moderate disabilities.
Cost: Current price is $3/student
Career Cruising for K-12 is a web-based self-exploration and planning program that includes interactive learning games, skill and career assessments, 4-year planning tools, post-secondary school and job market information, exploration activities, and employment guide. Career Cruising has been rebranded as Xello for students in grades 6-12 to create successful futures through self-knowledge, exploration, and planning. Available in Spanish.
Age Band: Grades 6-12
Reading Level: 8th grade
TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile
This comprehensive assessment was developed for adolescent and older children with autism spectrum disorders, particularly those with transitional needs. The TTAP will help providers identify the individual’s principle transition goals, strengths and weaknesses.
Age Band: 14-21
Cost: $ 116.00 (Computer Version)
READY Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for Deaf-Blind Youth
The READY Tool helps a transition team, composed of an individual who is deaf-blind, parents, and professionals, determine essential activities that must be carried out during the transition process. The completed tool should be used to generate a plan of action and develop goals and objectives for the IEP and transition plans.
Age Band: Organized by four age groups: prior to 14; 14 through 17; 18 through 21; and 22 through 26
Cost: Free