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Female teaching both online and remotely in a classroom

Welcome to the Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Across Service Delivery Models E-Toolkit! This E-Toolkit is the result of collaboration among the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services (MSDE, DEI/SES); the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education (MCIE); the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC); and teachers and other professionals from Maryland’s Local School Systems (LSSs) and Public Agencies (PAs).  

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, school systems sprang into action to support the needs of all students during unprecedented and challenging times. Teachers and system leaders developed and implemented innovative practices to support the engagement, learning and progress of students with disabilities as they remained focused on their mission: to provide specially designed instruction to narrow the gap across a variety of service delivery models.  

Recognizing the spirit of innovation in educators across our State, the DEI/SES, MCIE and UMGC partnered to facilitate a series of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) focused on sharing strategies, successes, challenges and lessons learned across service delivery models during the 2020-2021 school year. Teachers and other professional staff from across Maryland met bi-weekly to engage in action research around challenges they were facing in their respective settings. They summarized their work that resulted in implementable action plans in five areas aligned to the key strategies of Moving Maryland Forward, (the DEI/SES strategic plan). These areas are: 

  1. Strategic Collaboration
  2. Family Partnerships
  3. Data-Informed Decisions
  4. Evidence-Based Practices
  5. Professional Learning

Special thanks to our LSS and PA participants who contributed to the E-Toolkit from the following systems: 

  • Allegany County
  • Anne Arundel County
  • Baltimore City
  • Caroline County 
  • Garrett County
  • Maryland School for the Blind 
  • Prince George’s County 

Strategic Collaboration

Family Partnerships

Data-Informed Decisions

Evidence-Based Practices

Professional Learning

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