Family Advocacy Resources

These resources provide information to families, care providers and community members who want to advocate for children and youth with disabilities and their families.
Parents’ Place of Maryland is a center for families of children with disabilities. If you have a child with a disability, or want to help parents who do, this is the right place. This site highlights resources on education, technical assistance, children’s health and diseases, and legal issues. The organization also offers workshops and an email newsletter with current topical information.
Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education (MCIE) is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to the inclusion of students with disabilities in their neighborhood schools. Their mission is to be the catalyst for meaningful and successful participation of all students in their neighborhood schools, through partnerships, advocacy, professional development, and public education.
Disability Rights Maryland assists students with all types of disabilities from birth – age 21 in K-12 special education matters, with an emphasis on placement in the least restrictive environment; appropriate assessments, educational and behavioral plans, services and supports; access to school curriculum and high school diplomas; inclusion in school based and out of school activities; and student discipline matters, including inappropriate school exclusion, restraint, seclusion, and the use of school police and arrests. DRM also advocates for appropriate educational programming and related services for youth involved in the juvenile justice system. DRM provides information, advice, training, and selected individual and class representation for issues of systemic significance.
Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER) aims to enhance the quality of life for children and youth with disabilities and their families based on a parent-helping-parents model. The website includes many tip sheets, conference links, and resources for parents and professionals negotiating educational and employment systems.
Center for Law and Public Policy (CLASP) Child Care and Early Education work child care promotes policies that support both child development and the needs of low-income working parents.
Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates is a nonprofit organization dedicated to securing high-quality educational services for children with disabilities. This website includes information about advocating for your child’s rights, finding an attorney, current news and issues, training, and background information for parents of children with disabilities.