for families
The vision of the Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services is that all students, including students with disabilities, will be ready for school, achieve in school, and be prepared for college, career, and community living.
Helping students with disabilities succeed is a combined effort between local school systems, education advocates, and legislation adopted by the Maryland State Board of Education, with families at the center.
Families know their children best; and when they are empowered with the right information, they are also their children’s best advocate.
Below you will find resources for families of special education students organized around the division’s three imperatives: Early Childhood external link sr only Early Childhood; Access, Equity, Progress; and Secondary Transition.
Posts are continually created and updated in partnership with national experts. You can scroll through our most recent updates, or click on “VIEW ALL” for more resources or to customize your search.

Parents’ Place of Maryland
Parents’ Place offers a variety of programs and services that continue to support families of children with disabilities and special health care needs and serves as Maryland’s Parent Training and Information Center (PTIC).

Maryland Family Network
The Maryland Family Network provides parents and caregivers advice and support to help them navigate their children’s first five years with services such as child care referral and advocacy.
Early Childhood | VIEW ALL
The Division’s Early Childhood Imperative provides a seamless and comprehensive statewide system of coordinated services for children with disabilities (age 0 to 5) and their families.
Access, Equity, Progress | VIEW ALL
The Division’s Access, Equity, and Progress Imperative gives students school-age students with disabilities (age 3 to 21) equal access to both quality education and the ability to achieve in school.
Secondary Transition | VIEW ALL
The Division’s Secondary Transition Imperative provides support to students with disabilities (age 14 to 21) who are preparing for adult life after school.